Exceptional Training with Sarah Pinney

“You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream” C.S. Lewis

Sun Hill Training uses Classical Dressage principles to develop harmony between horses and their owners. Kind, effective exercises result in willing partners who grow ever more beautiful as the training progresses.

Call today to learn more about our training methods and successes! ‭(760) 214-1379‬

Offering Classical Training Since 1998 in San Diego County

Half-Andalusian "Valedor"

Sarah's accumulation of knowledge and experience never stops! She is dedicated to a lifetime of learning, to continuously improve and enlarge her training abilities. She reads all she can get her hands on, regularly attends seminars and clinics, rides with a variety of local professionals, and hosts her Portuguese trainer Rodrigo da Costa Matos twice yearly. Call today and learn more.


  • USDF 'L" Graduate "with Distinction"

  • USDF Bronze and Silver Medalist

  • USAWE Licensed "R" Judge 

  • USAWE Licensed Technical Delegate

  • WDAA Small "r" Candidate

  • USEF/IALHA Small "r" Candidate 

  • 12-Time IALHA National Champion

  • IFSHA 2-Time World Champion